18 noviembre 2007

Taylorismo televisivo

-So, we have a bunch of doctors, and they don't do their regular doctor's thing.
-Ok, lets make four or five series about that.
-Ok, and then we have a bunch of law attorneys, but they don't behave like regular attorneys.
-Cool, lets make four or five series about that.
-And of course, we need to have people falling in love with people.
-Yeah, lets make a lot more of that!
-Are we forgetting something?
-I... don't belive so.
-Oh, listen to this: there is a dead body, but no one knows who did it... and a bunch of cops solve it.
-yeah, thats a realy good idea.

Es bueno darse cuenta que descubriste el 80 por ciento del genoma de la televisión, con el solo ejercicio de pensarte en la mente de un ejecutivo de la NBC.

3 comentarios:

bajo.* dijo...

wait... there's more...
mmm... single people... dating.... and... talking about... their dates, and sex, and... stuff...

aaaanndd... on the other hand, people that gets lost somewhere, or are like, kidnapped by aliens, or, the goverment, or the president is an alien, or they have powers, and stuff, and you have to wait like... 13 seasons to finally get what the fuck it's going on!

(( by the way, it's "people falling IN love with people" ))

exitos bUchii!


Sepo dijo...

no consideraste juntar un monton de minas en bolas???? ahi tenés los 20 q te faltan

Buchi dijo...

ah bueno... perdón...
Buchi no fue a estados unidos cuatro meses...